Course Syllabus 4
Emphasis: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Instructor: Mr. Dillon
Classroom #: G709
Phone: (989) 463-3111
E-mail: [email protected]
Course Description: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) provides instruction on welding mild steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. Topics include saftey, equipment setup, joint design and preparation, and gas flow rates. Upon successful completion of this course, students are able to perform fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal, vertical positions.
Course Focus: The course will provide the student the theory and application of GTAW to make fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal and vertical.
Course Outline: Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
* Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
Text and References: NCCER; Welding AWS Entry Level Welder-Phase One, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003.
Jeffus, Larry; Welding Principles and Applications Sixth Edition, Thomson DelmarLearning, 2008.
Grading Guidelines:
Marking period grading
- Work Ethic 40%
- Lab/Project 40%
- Tests/Quiz/Bookwork 20%
Work Ethic: Work Ethic is defined as, punctuality, safe working practices, professional behavior, follow verbal and written instructions, and shop cleanup. Work ethic will be graded daily on a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 basis with 5 being the highest score and 0 being the lowest score. An explanation of this system is as follows:
Lab/Project: This category consists of exercises that are self-paced using basic welding shop equipment. The Instructor will work with each individual student to assure quality work. All lab work will be graded on a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 basis with 5 being the progress to the next competency. An explanation of this system is as follows:
Bookwork: Technical information will be presented in the classroom; students will receive credit for completed task.
Quiz/Test: This category consists of assessments for written as-well-as hands-on tests and qualifications.
5 Performed tasks at a high level/demonstrated good work ethic
4 Performed tasks competently/demonstrated average work ethic
3 Performed tasks competently/demonstrated poor work ethic
2 Performed tasks limited participation/demonstrated poor work ethic
1 Limited participation
0 Did not participate
Semester grading
- 1st marking period 40%
- 2nd marking period 40%
- Semester exam 20%
- (Semester exams are course requirement)
Classroom Rules:
1. Polite behavior is expected.
2. Students are expected to be sitting in their classroom seats when the bell rings.
3. Students are to remain in their class at all times unless otherwise given permission and a pass by the teacher to leave.
4. Students are required to wear eye, hearing, and safety protection at all times in the welding lab and other work areas.
5. Students will be required to follow all safety rules and procedures while in the welding lab and other work areas.
6. Attendance and tardy policy (Student Handbook)
Attendance Policy
Excessive absences can be a serious problem, and as a part of technical training good attendance habits are necessary. Positive steps will be taken in this program to develop these habits. The employer demands good work habits, and in order for the student to learn good work habits our attendance policy will require punctual and regular attendance. Due to the nature of the class, students will receive a zero for shop/participation points for any absence not related to school activities. Bookwork assignments, Tests, and Quizzes can be made-up the next day following an excused absence. It is the students’ responsibility to follow through on any make-up work.
Text and References: NCCER; Welding AWS Entry Level Welder-Phase One, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003.
Jeffus, Larry; Welding Principles and Applications Sixth Edition, Thomson DelmarLearning, 2008.
Grading Guidelines:
Marking period grading
- Work Ethic 40%
- Lab/Project 40%
- Tests/Quiz/Bookwork 20%
- 1st marking period 40%
- 2nd marking period 40%
- Semester exam 20%
- (Semester exams are course requirement)